Minutes of 9/6/22 meeting

Author: John Alex - Published: 2022-09-07 00:00:00-07:00

Schedule and fees set. New rules proposed.

The meeting started at 8:15pm, with 22 members present The following schedule was proposed and passed unanimously.

Scheduled Byes Nov. 22 -Thanksgiving Dec. 27- Christmas Jan. 3- New Year's Feb. 14- Valentine's Day April 11- Holy Week

Position weeks Oct. 4- 5week Nov. 8- 10 week Dec.20-15 week- End of Winter season Feb. 7- 20 week Mar.21- 25week May 2- 30week- End of Spring season

May 9- will be our Sweepers and Championship TBA- Banquet

League Fees- Lineage Fee we are charged by Corbin Bowl is $19 (last year $18) Patsy O'Neal motioned we raise our bowling fees to $23 (last year $20) Mary Lyons second it. Majority voted in

Lea Dakis proposed in addition to our bowling fee at $23, we look at our finances after the winter season and make adjustments, if any, at that time. Gus Sapon agreed to this proposal.

Patsy O'Neal motioned our sub fees to be $13 (last year $10) Greg Annis second it. Majority voted in.

Gary Gurney proposed as a league fundraiser that the "Strike on Demand" jackpot winner be a 50/50 split. Patsy O'Neal second it. Majority voted in.

Began reviewing the rules.

9:00pm meeting adjourned.